March Events

I am thrilled to be included in several shows across the country this month. In San Francisco, you can see a collection of my Cuba Mirror Paintings at The Drawing Room through March 31st, as well as my mixed media work at X Materia at DZINE Gallery through April 26th. I have work in nationally juried exhibition “Divergent Evolution” at Studio Montclair in Montclair, New Jersey. Three paintings from my Voicemail Series are in the Chicago area at The Art Center Highland Park in Beyond the Selfie. And next month, I will be sending one painting to Key West, Florida for a juried small works show. Scroll down to see descriptions of each exhibit.

Trinidad (II) • 12x12” • Acrylic, mirror, & resin on panel


The Art Center Highland Park (TACHP) presents a juried exhibition of work that reaches beyond the traditional concept of a self-portrait. With over 75 entries, our guest jurors, Judy Norris and Suzette Bross, chose art that reflects interpretations of the self-portrait theme . In today’s obsession with “Selfies,” we found that often artists push the boundaries of self-expression and  representation.  

Voicemail Paintings in Beyond the Selfie exhibition

Divergent Evolution not only demonstrates an extraordinary range of materials, styles, and subject matter, but also offers the intrigue of observing common threads and preoccupations within the works of individual artists. Says Curator Emma Wilcox, “As an artist and culture worker much of the dialogue I am part of revolves around where the attributes of a given artwork come from; the connection of that piece to the other works in a series an artist is creating; antecedents in prior antecedents in prior works or series; the influences of other artists. I love this kind of talk; we all do it all the time, publicly or privately. Divergent Evolution is an opportunity to share some of that talk.”

The exhibit, featuring artwork by diverse artists throughout the United States, includes one or more artworks from each artist that demonstrate the evolution of their creative process. There will be 44 pieces of work in a variety of visual media including sculpture, installations, photography, printmaking, painting, drawing, and mixed media.